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Muslim Roma

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Muslim Roma are called Xoraxane (pronunciation: Khorakhane) in Romani language, or commonly known as Turkish Gypsy (Turkoyiftoi, Türk Çingene) is a religious Umbrella term for Muslims Roma people groups from the Balkans, Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Crimea and there descendants who live everywhere in different parts of the World.[1] They convert to Sunni Islam at the time of the Sultanate of Rum in Anatolia and Ottoman Empire at the Balkans, to not pay Jizya.[2] Some of them are Bektashi or belong to another Sufism Tarika. Xoraxane Men are all Circumcised like Moise Traian Roumaian Brașov Sacele 293, it is a big event for them to celebrate a Sünnet-Party for there sons.[3]

The word Khorakhane, Xoraxane, Horahane or Korane Roma itself, means Koranites (Koran followers)[4][5] i.e., Muslims, Turks and Turkish Lifestyle in the Romani language,Familly Ursut Aurora Brașov Sacele st g Moroianu ,they regardless of which country they live in and which subgroup they belong to, or even they speak Turkish language or not. This word was given to them by the Dasikane Roma at the Balkans.[6] Muslim Roma who lost there subgroup knowledge, are named only as Xoraxane Roma.[7] The biggest group are the Romanlar in Turkey. In Bulgaria, Greece,[8] Northern Cyprus, Turkey and Romania[9] (Dobruja),[10] many Xoraxane deny there Roma Background, speak only Turkish and have a strong Turkish Identity trough Turkification and Cultural assimilation in Turkish society and declare themselves as Turkish people only, but some speak Xoraxane Romani dialect together, like in Greek Thrace.[11] Muslim Roma have nothing in common with Christian Roma, especially the Turkish speaking Muslim Roma made a big distant to Christian Roma.[12]

Gene flow from Turks into the Xoraxane Roma population at the Ottoman Empire, happend trough the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans.[13] About Paspati in his Book from 1860-1863, he mentioned that Ottoman Turkish Men often married Roma woman.[14] Under the reign of Abdulhamid II, there status was changend and they was named as Buçuk Millet.[15] Also Abdal of Turkey,[16] Dom people and Lom people Genetic influence in the Muslim Roma population, happend in the time of the Ottoman Empire, all three groups of the Lom-Dom-Rom, called Çingeneler (Gypsy) in Turkish.[17] At the end of the 19th century, Orthodox Christian Lom people in Istanbul convert to Islam.[18] The Basketmaker-Roma (Sepecides) group from Saloniki who went to Izmir in 1923, are of Turkish-Greek origin.[19] Genflow from Albanians, Slavs, Greeks[20] and from People of Caucasus[21] and Jats.[22][23] Some Romani Men share the R1a1 Y-DNA Haplogroup,[24] who show a Brahmin Ancestry.[25], or Jats, because Y-DNA R1a1 are also be found in Jats.[26]

The Egyptians Act 1530 and Egyptian Act of 1554 expelled Roma people from England. 10,000 thousand expelled Roma people went to the Ottoman Empire and became Muslims. There descendants call themself until today Egyptians.[27]

In the countrys who once belongend to former Yugoslavia many Xoraxane Roma hide there Romani Heritage too, and speak only Albanian language, or one of the several South Slavic languages, few also speak Turkish language.

Under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, the so called Turkmen Copt, an Ottoman Turkish language speaking Muslim Roma group of 4 clans was settled in the Balkans[28] Some of this Turkish speaking Muslim Gypsy Men from Bulgaria went to Poland as Guest workers and married Polish Woman and got children with them.[29] This Offsprings called Melezi (Halfblood), a Turkish Loanword in the Romani language dialects of the Muslim Roma for people with mixed Romani blood.[30]

A Group of Nomadic Xoraxane went from Ottoman-Bulgaria to Persia under the reign of Nader Shah and became Shia Muslim. They still live in Iran until today and named Zargari tribe, and speak there own Romano language, havenly influenced with words from Azerbaijani language and Persian language.[31]

At the Greek War of Independence 1821–1829, Crimean War 1853–1856, Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878), Balkan Wars 1912-1913, World War I 1914-1918, and the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, many Xoraxane-Roma together with other Non-Romani Muslims was expelled from Bulgaria and Greece and other parts of the Balkans to settle in Turkey.[32][33][34][35]

At the time of communism in the 1950's from Bulgaria, some Turkish speaking Muslim Roma Groups went to Romania for better Life, and settled in the Dobruja, where allready a Turkish speaking Muslim Gypsy community together with Turks and Tatarians live there since the time of Ottoman Empire.[36]

From Turkey and Ex-Yugoslavia, some People of Muslim Roma Background came to Germany and Austria in the 1960's and 1970's as so called Guest worker, where some of the Romani Men married with German or Austrian Womans and got Children.[37]

In Crimea live several different Groups of Muslim Roma since the time of the Crimean Khanate, the majority of them speak Crimean Tatar language and take a Crimean Tatars Identity.[38]

Muslim Roma suffer twice from exclusion, through Antiziganism and Islamophobia.[39][40]

They are different Xoraxane Roma Populatio divided in there First language:[41]

The majority of Muslim Roma lives in:


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